Sunday, November 7, 2010

Photo Per Day #7: Kitty Condo

Last night we hosted a bunch of nine year old boys for a sleepover. I think they had heaps o' fun. They played football and baseball outside in the freezing cold. Came in and played video games. Ate pizza and chocolate fondue (big hit). Received gift bags with Lego mini-figures and Brickarms weapons (because what Lego surfer dude is complete without an assault rifle?) Played more video games. Football in the basement. And they tried to stay up all night. 

Yep, the only night of the year when you don't want an extra hour . . .

Today's pic is post-mayhem: the kittens relaxing in their new Japanese style housing complex and looking at each other a la the Brady Bunch.

Time to go to sleep.

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