Monday, November 1, 2010

Photo Per Day #1: I want candy

Finally, the much anticipated first installment of my month-long, Photo Per Day series. I can feel the excitement building already. Heading out of the gate with not one but three pics of the loot from last night.

Son #2's collection. He was home first. Such a good boy.

Son #1's slightly larger collection (he arrived home 35 minutes after his 9:00 p.m. curfew) -- including the three Naruto Kunai knives that I skillfully made for him out of heavy folded paper, eye bolts, black duct tape and purple cord. Martha Stewart eat your heart out.

A close-up of the prized possession in Son #1's collection: a rubber ducky. So needed, in fact, that he and his friends started in another neighborhood to get it and then made their way back home. Note the fortune cookie to the side of the duck. Do you think that came with the duck or that another family ran out of candy and supplemented with "dessert" from their Chinese takeout? I'm voting for the latter.

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