Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Locomotive Lungs

While describing the woes of my husband’s snoring, someone near and dear to my heart (a.k.a. my mom) told me that her husband (a.k.a. my dad) also had suffered from sleep apnea. When they were first married, she claimed that she worried incessantly that he would stop breathing during the night. After thirty years of sleep deprivation, however, she began a somewhat different prayer, “Please, God, let this be his last breath.”

I’ve simply begun putting headphones on or, because my kids often sleep together in each other’s rooms, I switch to an unoccupied bed or the couch. Until a few days ago, it seemed to be working. I’ll keep you posted on my thoughts in another 15 years. Or again next week if my inability to sleep continues . . .

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