Sunday, December 30, 2007

My Dream Job

Wouldn't it be fabulous to travel the world, a la Anthony Bourdain, eating amazing meals at all of the consummate (but not necessarily upscale) restaurants in each locale? To spend your life enjoying the best that life has to offer? And make heaps of money in the process?

The fact that Anthony is an avowed Ramones fan is just icing on the cake. As Mr. Burns would say, "I like the cut of his jib."

Given that he already owns that niche, I want to claim the same format but cater to those seeking spiritual adventure. I won't get to booze it up nearly as much (well, on camera that is) but I could take viewers to places where filming is rarely allowed. And not to spas and resorts -- which are always highlighted on travel programs -- but to lesser known ashrams, Siberian shamans, and Tibetan nunneries.

Would I love to visit Bhutan? You bet. But I could also share places closer to home like the Abbey of the Genesee where 30+ contemplative (a.k.a. Trappist) monks reside and offer monastic-style retreats throughout the year. Or Rochester's own Zen Center where my girlfriend and I spent one of the best days of our lives in an introductory workshop on zazen meditation.

I guarantee that in every city across America, as well as villages and towns throughout the world, there is something awe-inspiring to showcase. And I'm just the right person to share it with you! Come on Travel Channel, make my dreams come true.

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