It all began at 6:38 a.m. and ended less than half an hour of mayhem later . . . Now we have a full day of PlayStation 2 fun ahead of us including Guitar Hero, DragonballZ, Godzilla Unleased, The Simpsons, Ace Combat 5 and, for me, Dance Dance Revolution! Yeah baby. Maybe 2008 will be the year of the DDR weight loss regimen. But first I have to eat and drink my way through continued holiday overindulgence on these Pottery Barn plates from Ruth!

I got sooooo many fabulous jewelry-related pressies from family members that I'm not sure which is my favorite. I now have my sixth (!) Annie Adams necklace and first bracelet from her collection. I also have a gorgeous aqua blue necklace from the Corning Museum of Glass and a set of clear acrylic jewelry (ring, necklace and bracelet) from Volpino embedded with dozens of tiny embedded Swarovski crystals that my sister purchased from my favorite consignment shop, Windsor Cottage. Oh, and I got a sweet Christmas-themed green glass beaded bracelet hand-painted with reindeer and candy canes from my neighbor, Liz.
I should be all set for the next 12 months, at least! Per usual, stunningly adorned . . .
Oh and I now have this gorgeous, chocolate brown Lug Puddle Jumper overnight and gym bag. I either need to begin working out or taking a lot of trips. Hmmm, which sounds more appealing?
I hope everyone has a blessed Merry Christmas, remembers our Savior on this day (and beyond) and makes out like a bandit, too.
In closing, and in stark contrast to the crass commercialism listed above, the impassioned refrain from the most beautiful Christmas song ever penned, Oh Holy Night:
Fall on your knees
Oh hear the angel voices
Oh night divine
Oh night when Christ was born
Oh hear the angel voices
Oh night divine
Oh night when Christ was born
DDR weight loss regime... Sounds suspiciously chemically-induced, Iron Curtain-ish. Will you also be joining the East German women's powerlifting team? Dropping a couple of octaves in voice? Dragging your knuckles across the floor?
1) my chemically induced days are behind me (thankfully)
2) if i'm strong enough to open a pickle jar, that'll suffice -- but dance, dance revolution should probably only help my legs gain strength
3) i'm the only chick on the planet who cannot sing -- so if my voice drops, who cares?
4) i would love the flexibility for my knuckles to drag across the floor! even if showcasing my cro-magnum-esque hairy arms . . .
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