Thursday, October 8, 2009

Ghetto Gifts!

My co-worker Jennifer and I just drove past Juan's Ghetto Nick-Naks (sic). Colorful storefront. Awesome name. And it's just up the street from Effen Haute*. Two birds/one stone! How on earth did I not notice it ever before?

Now I'm burning with curiosity to know what Juan sells in there . . . seriously. Any guesses?

I may have to stop next time I'm in the (neighbor)hood.

*Effen Haute is not, as it turns out, boarded up. It was open for business today. Thanks for all your concern.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

If you don't go stop in Juan's, I'm going to have to come to Roch just to find out what they sell! I NEED TO KNOW!!!