Thursday, November 19, 2009

Merry Christmist

Move over Cabbage Patch Kids, Tickle Me Elmo and Playstation 3. I got up at the crack of dawn this morning and stood in line for this year's "must have" holiday gift: limited edition H1N1 vaccines! And I got 'em -- in the new, designer mist! (Well, I gained two winning lottery tickets that allow entry to the fun festivities.) The kids'll be soooo excited when they get to go to the pediatrician's office on Saturday.

Who says that Christmas can't come early?


Unknown said...

Hi, It's your California cousin -- Do you want to stump the nurse/doctor?? Ask them how long to wait before your kids can blow their nose. They said, of all the questions they've had, they never had that one. Go figure! Will's tissue is safe from swine flu now too.


Pranayama mama said...

Hey Toni! Was Will cool with the mist? My kids keep hearing horror stories about how they're not going to be able to breathe for ten minutes and it's pure hell. They both asked for shots but shots are only meted out for babies/toddlers (not sure why exactly).

We'll let you know the local response time regarding the nose blowing question :)

Unknown said...

The mist experience was fine. It's so quick, they don't know what's happening, just a drippy, runny nose for awhile, thus the kleenex. No problem whatsoever with breathing. Will had a choice, shot or mist and he went for the mist. It's a live vacine, vs the inactive vacine in the shot. They don't want to give live vacine to babies or pregnant women.