What he neglected to mention is that he's an avid baseball (Mets) and hockey (Rangers) fan. Two sports that have nightly games and overlapping seasons (i.e., no respite, never, ever). And it doesn't matter if his favorite team is not playing; he'll watch any game.
I don't really mind given that a) I'm much more of a reader and b) he records shows for me. But here's the kicker: The kids have already learned that the remote and the TV are properties of the men in our house. Case in point? They will actually walk into the room where I may be watching TV, pick up the remote and change the channel without thinking twice.
"Dude, did you not notice that I'm watching something?"
"Oh, right, sorry mama. Uh, can I watch baseball?"
The fun part is that they're both totally into Little League this year. And the hubby gave to me a new black leather mitt of my own complete with a pink strip around the wrist. So we spent Sunday afternoon playing baseball on the diamond at school and later in the backyard with our new, rubber bases.
I wonder what the yard is going to look like this summer.
Oh wait, I got my answer!

it should look pretty sweet. I just ordered bleachers and a snack bar.
That is so cute, love the pink strip! My husband turned our back yard into a golf course. The flags look so stupid, but they all go out and have fun. When the boaters go by, they are a bit confused and wonder what kind of decorations I have in the yard.
I never watch tv anymore. My children have taken total control I am not even sure I could figure out the new remote now. I like to read, as much as I can, too.
Have a good week. Thanks for your supportive words. It helps.
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