Tuesday, March 17, 2009

In Search of the Pot of Gold

Happy St. Patrick's Day!

I find it interesting that my kids cannot be taught religion in school yet they are encouraged to learn all about leprechauns.

I'm hoping they find one because we could use the money.

On this day in history, 1979 to be exact, my girlfriend Jan and I made green muffins in our home economics class. In a bizarre twist on this Irish holiday, we set out to make blueberry muffins but, unbeknown to us, you're not supposed to mix the berries in until the end because (chemist I'm not) the dough turns green. Blue berries + yellow dough = green fun.

I'm not sure if we baked any of our muffins. I do know that we took the dough, rolled it into fist-sized balls and threw them. All morning long. Jan threw the first green dough ball at the clock and it stuck there. We then proceeded to throw them at kids who would walk by in the hallway. The goo ball would whiz past, smack a locker and fuse there motionless. Kids would stop in their tracks, look at the thick, green glob that just missed them with a "what the . . . ?" expression and then look around to see where it came from.

It was hilarious. Best St. Patrick's Day ever.

I think I got my first (and only?) C in that class. But I still remember it vividly which is more than I can say for social studies that year.

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