Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Defying the Odds

I went to dinner at JoJo again last night because they have the best hummus on the planet (never mind the garlic). My girlfriends were asking how my niece, who just started her freshman year at Rice this week, was doing because they knew I was nervous for her. We started talking about the college experience including that initial fear/sadness that quickly dissipates and the wonder of co-ed dorms.

We were trying to remember if Day Hall at Syracuse University had officially sanctioned co-ed bathrooms after midnight or if that's just how it panned out (due to laziness) during the middle of the night. I commented that, on a co-ed floor of 80 kids, there were only eight girls my first year so the bathrooms were pretty much co-ed all the time -- not much you could do.

My girlfriend Christine responded, "Wait, there was a 72:8 ratio and you still never hooked up?"

Holy cow! Seriously, I've never thought about it like that before.

72 dudes and eight chicks and I never had a single date. Defying the odds, once again.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That is funny. I lived in Haven Hall, all girls. However, I would run into a guy now and then.

My husband, was in Booth Hall. They definately had boy and girls bathrooms, but they were co-ed by floors. Now, who knows. I think they are all co-ed by rooms!