Thursday, August 7, 2008

Crystal Light

Today marks our 15th year of marriage which, the hubby claims, is the "Styrofoam anniversary."

Not trusting his sage advice, I just looked it up and apparently we should be celebrating with crystal gifts for one another. With our house in constant disarray, Legos painfully found in my shoes last night and a bulimic cat leaving treasures underfoot, somehow crystal doesn't seem right for us -- regardless of the year.

I personally think this should be the "Molly Maid anniversary."


KevinOn7 said...

How about you put an 18" crystal Stonehenge on the floor where you can step on it and cut your foot open?

Pranayama mama said...

Like a Spinal Tap 15th anniversary celebration? Living in a hell hole . . . !

uncle wally said...

or these -

Pranayama mama said...

how funny. what are the chances?