Wednesday, May 14, 2008

My Health Comes First

My dad used to have the 45 of a catchy little tune entitled The Drinking Man's Diet which contained the lyrics:

Drink, drink, everyone drink
It's not as bad as we used to think
With every Manhattan
Your stomach will flatten
So drink, drink, drink!

I was singing this on my way to work this morning after I heard the DJ on the radio state that although resveratrol is found naturally in red wine, "the dose you're getting with your nightly glass is probably nowhere near enough to make a difference."

Well then, time to polish off the bottle! My vision might get blurry but, for now, I can still read between the lines . . .


uncle wally said...

I'll go to the store for you.

Melanie K said...

you might need 6 bottles. or 10. :)