From the blogger on Jezebel: "I dare you to imagine every man you see today is wearing one of these items under his clothes. This includes the dudes you work with and people on TV. (Barack Obama? Larry King?)"
Oh no. Poor Thomas, a client from Philadelphia, who's coming in at noon. Noooooooo!
Actually, when compared with the other disturbing images in that posting, the skirted men's underwear is rather tame. I dare you to look. And then check out the Sears catalog from 1972 and International Male from 1986. Riveting!
Many thanks to my sister for an auspicious start to the day.
We used to have so much fun in college making fun of the guys in International Male! As I recall, it's even funnier after a few drinks!
oooh, i'll let you know later tonight :)
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