Thursday, April 16, 2009

Golden Years

The sun is out. I'm behind my desk. No mini-weekend.

In other news, the recurring topic of the week: menopause.
What the . . . ?

Out with the girls on Friday night where the conversation turned hilarious re: the night sweats, the inability to sleep through the night, sleeping on top of a stack of towels, hot flashes, running from meetings drenched in sweat, and many more disgusting things that really aren't fit for print (but are great fodder for GNO). And it wasn't just one chiquita sharing her horror stories: it was all of us.

Wait, aren't we too young?

Last night, again. My girlfriend, who just turned 45 last month, was telling me that she's done. Done!

Sure, I've read about the joys of aging. Women finding their true selves. Quitting their corporate jobs and becoming artists. Getting the kids out of the house and discovering their true passions. Feeling sexier than ever. Really? Right now, I'm just feeling blah.

Run for the shadows in these golden years . . .


Suzanne Marie DeWitt said...

It is good to read you again. Where've you been??? Off sweating with the girls I suppose...

Unknown said...

What is up with this? Didn't you think menopause was something that women went through in their 50s or so? I did. Alas, I know plenty of women in their young 40s who are going through this.

Good thing I'm adopting...

Pranayama mama said...

Sounds so Richard Simmons! Sweatin' with the oldies!