Friday, April 17, 2009

Me Jane

I went out for dinner and a mai tai the other night with a girlfriend from my old neighborhood who I haven't really spent any time with in almost 30 years (yikes!). Her status update on Facebook later that night said, "Enjoyed reconnecting with my past ~ and hopefully enriching my future."

She must have stopped by the library on her way home . . . ?

Speaking of enrichment, I met up with the hubby and kids after work at B&N last night. Son #2 wanted to see Peter Brown, the author and illustrator of Chowder, who had also spoken at their school earlier in the week. Afterward, the kid was racing around desperate to buy yet another book.

Note: We have millions of books. We visit the library weekly. And we place orders with Scholastic Books through the school (which annoys me: do my kids really need to go shopping at school? answer: yes, apparently). It just never ends.

Last night, Son #2 was looking for the Diary of a Wimpy Kid series that he's enamored with lately and came across a shelf with just a handful of copies of those we've already read. His face registered disappointment. A moment later, he spotted another entire shelving unit filled to the brim with the series and ran over. Upon seeing it, I said, "Whoa, there are tons of them here" to which he responded, with more sarcasm than I would have thought possible for a seven year old, "Uh, yeah, it's a BOOKSTORE."


1 comment:

Unknown said...

How did he get old enough to be sarcastic? Wasn't he just born two weeks ago?