Thursday, April 10, 2008

Peace Out

I always struggle a bit when posting about anything smacking of Christianity because so many people find it offensive and send me emails or make comments. But, I have to say, it's such a big part of who I am that I feel I would be negligent (at best) if I wasn't being true to myself. So for my non-believer friends, you might not want to read this post.

Anyway, I bring this up because I intended to get up at the crack of dawn and head back into work really early today because I have some serious deadlines and three important client meetings in the next two days. Last night, as I worked well past my bedtime, I was mentally exhausted and basically angst-riddled that my boss and I had committed to these unreasonable time frames with our clients. Note: Not one deadline is unreasonable -- just all of them lumped together is ridiculous. I kept thinking, "why didn't we just tell the last client, 'yes, we would love to help' but cannot begin for two weeks"? Is it that urgent that something that hasn't been addressed for years suddenly gets my immediate attention?

As I was waking up, I felt called, instead, to do my bible study. I countered with a quick "but I need to get to work before I have a nervous breakdown" thought but was immediately convinced that my bible study was more important. Fancy that.

So I went downstairs and opened to the next chapter Romans:15--which is all about how we serve God by serving others. Hello! And it even had this little gem from the Apostle Paul that I loved, "I have been bold enough to write about some of these points, knowing that all you need is this reminder."

Yes, on this excruciatingly painful deadline-driven day, God knew that I needed a gentle reminder. Again, again, again: it's not all about me. I am now able to begin my day with a joyful heart so that I may be a stronger encouragement to others.

Put that in your pipe and smoke it.


KevinOn7 said...

"so many people find it offensive and send me emails or make comments" - Does this mean that I'm not the only one giving you crap? By the way, I don't find your religious postings offensive, just uninteresting... ;-)

Pranayama mama said...

i'm sorry, were you saying something?

Melanie K said...

I am a non-believer and always read your posts on religion as I appreciate your perspective. And, in this case, whether I believe in God or not, I like the reminder that it's not all about me. Though, as a stay-at-home-work-at-home mom, I have at least two people telling me that every day :)

So the only part of your post I didn't like was the last line. It seemed to negate everything you had said before.

Unknown said...

It's YOUR BLOG. You should write about whatever you want. And that's an important part of your life.

Melanie K said...

oh yeah--I forgot to add that part :) It IS your blog. I've had too many people tell me not to write stiff or to take it down once it was there. so just bc i didn't like the last line doesn't mean i thought you shouldn't have written it :)