Wednesday, April 23, 2008

I'm Still Dorky

When I was in high school, my siblings were all out of the house -- college and beyond -- and my parents worked. I would come home most days to an empty home. My mom, ever vigilant about ensuring I didn't get locked out of the house, would call out to me as I left each morning, "Don't forget your door key."

Ah yes, the daily nerd reminder from my mother!

Just kidding, mom. I know that you meant it only in a true "door key" fashion.

But it still cracks me up when I hear it -- like whenever I left the room during our recent vacation.

Yep, still dorky . . .

1 comment:

KevinOn7 said...

I'm pretty sure Mom never told me: "Don't forget, you're dorky!"

She must have thought you needed to be taken down a peg or two.