Saturday, April 5, 2008

Gotta dime? Call someone who cares.

Went to IHOP this a.m. with Son #2 because he wanted Horton Hears a Who pancakes and a Beezlenut Splash drink. This is the stuff that dreams are made of for kids. And dentists.

On the way out the door, there were a couple of phone booths.

Son #2: "Whoa, look mama! They have phone booths here."

Me: "Tell me you've never seen a phone booth before!?"


Sometimes it's easy to forget just how much the world has changed.


blah said...

Ah the eyes of a child.....:-)

Unknown said...

Those pancakes look absolutely someone ate a box of crayola crayons and vomited them onto the plate.

Of course, if I were 7, I'd be SO EXCITED by them.