Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Our Accomplishments

I got home the other night to much excitement.

Son #2: "Mama! Mama! Guess what I did today!"

Me: "What???"

Son #2: "I coughed up all that stuff from my throat into the sink!!"

Uh, fantastic . . . ?


Later that night, Son #1 was running in circles around the house: kitchen, family room, living room, dining room, kitchen, etc.

Son #1: "How many laps do you think I've done?"

Me: "20?"

Son #1: "Nope. 30!"

This line of questioning continued at every 10th lap for over 40 minutes.

When finished, Forrest Gump Junior asked for a sheet of paper and a pencil. He entitled it, "My Accomplishments." He then wrote one sentence, "Ran 100 laps around the house."

Aiming high in our house!

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