Thursday, March 27, 2008

New Car, Caviar, Four Star Daydream

I saw something that hit me like a ton of bricks mere moments ago. It was a daily devotional from Pastor Greg Laurie that my coworker Bill sent to me in jest entitled “Saved Soul, Wasted Life.” (Hmm, what made him think of me?!) The principle premise of the text was asking us what our main purpose in life is and reminding us that it should be to glorify God (vs. personal fulfillment). Yeah, how am I doing? Not so great most of the time. I have been blessed with many resources and talents but find myself grousing a lot and thinking negative thoughts more than I care to admit. I also don’t invite God into my day often enough. Yes, I pray for His presence as I drive to client meetings but then put Him aside as I undertake many of the tasks I perform at my desk—which explains why I habitually get sidetracked and don’t accomplish as much as I anticipate on a daily basis. And, I ask for His help in my life more than I ask what He wants me to do for Him. Methinks I have the equation backwards.

But the real kicker for me was the following line about tithing, “This is my money. Here is your 10 percent, Lord. I give a waitress more, but 10 percent is all you get.” What a shocking comparison; yet, for me it’s only partially true. I give waiters and waitresses 20% and give to God less than 2% of my salary. Yet, who deserves more? Everything I have in life—and I have many blessings—is from God. My family, health, drive, intelligence, job, etc. So why am I giving Him so little? Is it because I don’t trust Him to provide for me and my family even when He’s given so abundantly to me? What more does He need to do to prove His love?

I could blame my lack of giving on my husband who doesn’t have the same beliefs as I and who also manages our finances (or lack thereof!). But the truth is: I’m the one writing the check to church every week.

I could also blame the fact that I am not 100% sold that I’m in the right church right now. It’s a bit too “jump the shark” for me given that I’m pretty conservative (e.g., I prefer hymns over modern dance performances). But the truth is: the biblical teachings remain solid and I have no concerns that the church finances are being used unwisely.

It’s entirely me. I need to readjust my priorities and, in addition to being thankful for everything in my life, give more of myself to God.

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