Sunday, March 16, 2008

O, Dana

The other night, Dana Perino, the White House Press Secretary, was on The Daily Show. When Jon Stewart asked her if she had ever been asked to lie, she (of course) said, "no" and promptly gulped. I'm no expert on human behavior but it seemed awfully telling.

Jon Stewart also asked her, "The President has said that he's going to sprint to the finish. Can you get him to run faster?"

I'm willing to pitch in for some new Asics.

On a related note, take a look at this article written by Greg Palast regarding how the Feds took Eliot Spitzer down just in time to allow Ben Bernanke to loan $200 billion to bail out predator banks while "Spitzer was in Washington to launch a campaign to take on the Bush regime and the biggest financial powers on the planet."

Yeah, I know, I know. What the governor did was wrong. But the timing is impeccable.

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