Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Massage Abduction

In two separate incidents this week, local teenagers called 911 after a stranger approached them. Details are sketchy; however, in one situation, a man in a pickup truck stopped to ask a group of girls to help him find his lost dog. Thankfully, they were old and/or wise enough not to fall for such an obvious ploy. Sadly, I worry about the outcome if the same scenario played out with our little guys. We’ve practiced with them what to say and do in a variety of situations but in reality, when push comes to shove, what would happen? It’s so disturbing that I can’t even think about it.

In so much as it’s not a laughing matter, my girlfriend mused that the end result would be worse if someone asked her, “Want a free massage?” She joked, “My clothes would be off in two seconds.”

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