Monday, June 18, 2007

Let the Greed, I Mean Adventure, Begin

Yesterday, during KidMo (the kid's service at church where I volunteer), the host, Johnny Rogers, taught the kids to "be specific" when praying. With that, I would like to begin my list.

Dear God -

Thank you first and foremost for all my blessings including, but not limited to, my: 1) awesome family including my fabulously gifted and beautiful children, 2) relationship with you!, 3) job that is interesting, challenging, varied and pays well, 4) fantastic health (physical, emotional, intellectual, etc.), 5) best-ever girlfriends including my mom and sis and 6) pretty nice stuff (e.g., house, cars, clothes) in a decent neighborhood in a good town, with excellent schools, in an great country . . .

So, at the risk of sounding greedy, per my KidMo instructions, please may I also:
  • really come to appreciate all that I have
  • learn to live my life with more excitement, passion, laughter and abandon
  • teach my kids the important things in life and guide them well so they grow up healthy, happy and successful in their walk with you
  • make strong decisions in life based on your guidance
  • trust you implicitly
  • have more quiet time with you to connect
  • have more time with my kids -- specifically summers off and school breaks
  • take more vacations
  • maintain and augment my health
  • have a cottage on a nearby lake
  • have financial prosperity with fully paid retirement for me and the hubby and college for the kids
  • thrive in a job where I continue to be highly valued, earn more money, have fun, contribute significantly to improving the world, and work fewer hours under considerably less pressure
  • have a clean house, new kitchen, finished back patio (vs. bricks stacked up), a dry basement all year long, repaired front walk with bricks replaced, safe chimney, new windows, no rotting termite holes, fresh exterior paint, and a new couch without holes and stains
  • be less exhausted and more able to function properly in life
  • have a cute, hybrid, efficient car
  • have more patience, peace and contentedness
  • accept anything you want to provide in addition to, or in lieu of, all of this
Amen. And thanks in advance!

Yikes, I could have gone on forever. Feels funny but, hey, I can follow instructions. I just hope that God has a sense of humor. I'll keep you posted . . .

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