Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Mea Culpa

I ordered a work-related book from Amazon on June 26. Since the dollar amount was so close to the "free shipping" minimum, I ordered another small book to qualify. When I looked at the estimated arrival date, it stated July 8. I immediately thought, "that's impossible." I could walk there by then. They must be setting low expectations and planning to exceed them . . . wrong.

Three days later, the "shipment has left seller facility and is in transit" (Warrendale PA)

Three more days later, "arrival scan" (Warrendale PA -- same town! Traveling by rickshaw?)

Three additional days later, "in transit" followed immediately by "undeliverable"

Whaaaaaaaaaat? I checked my order and, sure enough, I had my old zip code on the shipping address from our previous office which is, by the by, two feet up the road.

My question: Wouldn't it be cheaper for the USPS to do a simple zip code lookup and deliver it to my office than to ship it back to Amazon? I know I screwed up but come on. Aren't they the official keepers of all things zip code related? What the ?

If I were Amazon and shipping a gazillion packages through the U.S. Postal Service, I would demand better service. Now, according to an email from their customer service team, I will be getting a full refund for the returned book.

Good! Because I just ordered it from Barnes and Noble and it will be ready for pickup later this week.

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