Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Ummmmmmmmm Bread

Among other things, like teaching restaurant and hotel management, my mom (a.k.a. Grannie Annie) is a nutritionist, menu planner and certified dietitian.

When I was a teenager (and the drinking age was still 18), my girlfriends and I were budding alcoholics. Night after night we would head out, with our fake IDs, to those bars in walking distance. Later, still with our fake IDs, we would hit the dive bars in the next town over.

As we left, my mom would always say, "Think of all of those extra calories. Instead of a beer, you could have a slice of bread." Huh? We would all crack up. Methinks she was missing the point!

For this reason, I could not help but think of her when I read the recent restaurant opening in New York magazine: Fat Annie's Truck Stop. Hello! Frito Lay pie and beer? It has my name written all over it!


DarkWing said...

lol...hmmm beer or bread???

Anonymous said...

Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!