Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Labatt Blue and I Love Beer

If I were in marketing for Labatt Blue, I would be tempted to leverage the I ♥ NY and JetBlue design collaboration and co-opt it for my own. A little something like this perhaps but with their proper font, of course.

Anything to take a bit of the wind from JetBlew's sails, eh, especially when it wasn't so long ago that they were threatening to move their headquarters to Florida. Fair weather (aka NYS incentive) friends claiming one of our finest cities for their own? I won't let them get away with this. (Insert shaking fist.)

Let 'em move, I say. Then JetBlue can form an iconic partnership with Florida tourism. Oh, I know: "Flying with JetBlue is like three days without sunshine."

I see a future promotional job for Anita Bryant in the works.

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