Thursday, April 1, 2010

I Feel Pretty!

Sunny, high of 74 today! Sunny, high of 83 tomorrow! Sunny, high of 82 Saturday!

It's too good to be true. Hammock. Hammock. Hammock.

I came downstairs this morning feeling a bit unsure in a body-hugging, spring-has-sprung dress after a long winter of comfort eating. Upon seeing me, the hubby exclaimed, "Wow, have you lost weight?" followed immediately by, "Oh, April Fools."

Since we've been together for 23 years, I knew enough to suspend belief after the suspicious compliment and therefore wasn't too disappointed when reality came flooding in. Such a pretty face, such a pretty dress, such a pretty smile, such a pretty me!

For the first time, the kids are totally into April Fools' Day this year. Given that they're still little, the pranks are pretty mild. Son #1 stole all of Son #2's boxers after he fell asleep last night so he would have to go to school commando today. Son #2 was planning to tell Son #1 that I promised they could go buy Bok Choy Boys after school -- and get his hopes up all day just to have them dashed around 4:00 p.m. (Note: Maybe the bunny will bring them?)

My favorite prank, however, is an oldie but a goody that Dave, the boy next door while I was growing up, instituted (he was part neighbor/part brother to me given that he lovingly picked on me more than my own brothers often pinning me down and dangling spit loogies over my face). Every April 1, he would come into our house and tape down the hose on the kitchen sink so that my mom, God bless her, would get soaked.

Those were the days, huh Mom?!

1 comment:

Citygirl said...

My twenty one year old did the water trick on me today. Seriously? That old trick. He does it every year.
You are pretty....and witty...and wise :)