Monday, January 5, 2009

Forbidden and Hidden

Yesterday's New York Times Magazine featured an article entitled "Forbidden Nonfruit," in which Joshua Yaffa describes his childhood filled with health food and abstinence from burgers leading to sugar overdoses at friends' homes followed by pizza with ranch dressing, beer and late-night cheese steaks in college. I couldn't help but see more than a bit of myself in his story -- especially as I also described last August the 1X/year sugar cereal treat that we were allowed on our birthdays as well as how our dad hid junk food from our mom. Uncanny? Or do thousands of us have similar stories of well intentioned parents?

Where the similarities end is that this author is now filling bags with spinach at the local supermarket yet I'm still a hardcore cheeseburger, chocolate cake, Smarties girl.

Which explains why I'm back on Weight Watchers for the 100th time this decade. Welcome to 2009 -- the year of cutting back. Again.


uncle wally said...

hey look what 200 calories of Smarties looks like (scroll down) -

Suzanne Marie DeWitt said...

Thanks for that Uncle Wally. I never before realized that Fiber One cereal looks so much like wormlets.

uncle wally said...

Yeah, and the taste of it isn't that far off either.