Thursday, November 29, 2007

We Are the Champions -- My Friends

You know how sometimes you don't understand the gift(s) that life is giving you until everything falls into place and you look back and think "Ah, now I understand why I tripped over that hole in the sidewalk and spilled coffee on my sweater and had to go to the dry cleaner where I ran into Stella and heard about her car woes and then we realized with her mechanical abilities and my tremendous ideation capabilities that together we had the perfect solution for an all new flux capacitor"?

Well, that's exactly how I felt when I realized that, in addition to heaps of love, my kids have been preparing me to compete in something far greater in life than I could ever have imagined.

Color me inspired and awestruck. I'm already visualizing the "world champion 2008" headlines.

No time for losers.


Unknown said...

Well that is quite the cool competitions isn't it. I just want to hang out with Captain Morgan myself!

Kim @ TheBitterBall

Pranayama mama said...

Exactly. Nothing screams "hot" like a Pirate rock, paper, scissors champion!