Monday, May 21, 2007

So Cool

This is such a trip for me. A first. To write a blog that absolutely no one may ever read. For absolutely no reason at all. It feels both liberating and ridiculous at the same time.

I stayed home for a while this a.m. and actually put my first grader on the bus for the first time in months (since perhaps the first day of school). It felt great to be out with the other moms if even for a minute.

I came back in to a message from my boss and felt like I had been caught in the act. When I returned the call, she called me to task and outlined her expectations of me for the day and week in a "you need to close your office door and . . . " manner.

Which made me begin ruminating about all of the gorgeous, McMansion new builds v. my 1960's tract house with chipping paint and loose bricks. Is it possible that there is more money out there than I have allowed myself to believe in? How can I tap into it? Are these parents as stressed as I am? Do the housewives I see in yoga in the early morning realize how lucky they are? And so on. I began feeling really sorry for myself, coupled with anger at my boss, until my kindergartner walked over and gave me a big hug.

It was like a reminder from God. I have exactly what I need.

1 comment:

Study Yoga in India said...

I just want to say that you have a very enjoyable experience as you have mentioned in this blog. Awesome blog.