Sunday, March 2, 2008

Yay! Back to Work!

Yes, it's good to be back at work. Oh wait, no. It's Sunday. Whaaaaaaaaat am I doing here? Ah yes, enjoying the sunshine and warmth after a cold, windy trip to Florida . . . and deleting the majority of my 664 new email messages. No need for a replica watch, discount medications or penis enlargement.

My post on Disney World will have to wait until I have less work to catch up on. But here are a couple of my favorite conversations held at Disney last week.


Kid to mom while walking past my kids who were swimming on a 60 degree day: "Mom, what are those kids doing in the pool?"

Mom: "They must be from Michigan."

Right concept. Wrong state.


Teenage girl underneath large picture of Steven Tyler: "Ew. Look at that guy's huge mouth."

Her friend: "Oh, I think he used to be famous. It's what's his name."


Bus driver: "Please be careful when disembarking."

Son #2: "Is disembarking when you suck all your puke back in?"

Me: "It's bark with a 'k' not disembarfing. It means getting off the bus."

Son #1: "Why didn't he just say that then?"

Good question.


Son #2: "They should have a restaurant at Disney's Hollywood Studios called 'Straw Wars.' "


Conversation in restaurant after I let my kids blend their own Sprite, Root Beer and Fanta Orange concoctions.

Older woman: "Are you boys having fun in Disney?"

Son #2: "Yeah! Our mom is letting us have mixed drinks."

Hello social services.


And my least favorite of the lot . . .

Son #1 on day two: "I'm bored."

Hello Prozac.

1 comment:

DarkWing said...

lol, loved the pool one :p