And by that, I mean "play longer."
Sure I had a 7:30 a.m. meeting the day after your show but that didn't mean that I needed to be home, in bed, before 11:00 p.m. Especially when your show didn't kick-off until 9:15 p.m. Egads.
Regardless, I am grateful that my friend Paul and I made the trek out to CMAC in Canandaigua last Sunday night because the Weezer concert was outstanding. Those little nerds can rock. The Weezer Snuggie wearing crowd loved 'em. We loved 'em. Every song is a hit. Photograph. Island in the Sun. Buddy Holly. Perfect Situation. Beverly Hills. The Sweater Song. And on and on. Such amazing talent including frontman Rivers Cuomo's ability to jump repeatedly from a trampoline to the drummer's platform like a little wood nymph.
What I learned:
- If you touch your thumbs together to make a W with your two palms outstretched and then lower your pinkie and ring fingers, you can rock out Weezer-style. Peace out wingman.
- Weezer fans are in a class of their own. I guess that's where the term "fanatic" comes in. The girlfriends of the dudes in front of us were rendered superfluous. Pushed aside mid-concert as these guys put their arms around each others' waists and swayed. They fist and chest bumped between each and every song. And they sang every single lyric with finger pointing emphasis. (Apparently it's not impolite to point menacingly and scream at rock stars.) They were more excited than little girls at a Jonas Brothers concert. I felt bad that Paul was stuck with me when he could have experienced extreme male bonding with another species of male that even Jane Goodall would enjoy studying. (Next time they're sighted, I plan to put a tag on their ears. Here we go.)
In closing, I don't intend to quit my job and follow them anytime soon. It would conflict with my Wilco and Cracker tour plans. But I'm really glad I went.
Maybe you mistakenly bought tickets for the "geezer" show instead. The early wrap up ensured the fans had enough time to make the slow shuffle with their canes and walkers to their cars and get home to bed on time.
ReplyDeletespeaking of which, happy birthday! (d'oh!)