Tuesday, May 11, 2010

My Life at a Glance

1) I have three hickeys. Kitten hickeys. Somehow, against all odds, we got another passion kitty like Stinkers. A face licking, lip sucking, up all night snuggling/purring, chest-not-lap cat. And the impassioned evidence is on my neck (for all my clients to wonder about silently).

2) I'm almost at my baby weight. What the . . . ? And I bought three pints of Ben & Jerry's over the weekend. Must stop the nonsense.

3) Recently I went through my closets to get rid of everything that a) doesn't fit and/or b) hasn't been in style for a gazillion years. I then took the newer, more expensive, still looking fresh clothes and shoes to Lu's Back Door, a local consignment shop. As I wandered around looking at a lot of the old clothes they had on their racks, I thought I had segmented my piles too stringently. Some of the stuff I was giving to Goodwill was much nicer than what they were selling. Lo and behold, when I went to leave, I noticed the majority of my clothes were put aside to be picked up. They wouldn't take most of my items! Brand new pants from Saks that are already too small. No thanks? I was astounded and said to the lady, "You don't want any of this?" and pointed to one of my suits saying, "This is an $800 suit." Her response, "No one buys black here." Seriously? But they buy faded sweaters from the Gap and worn out shoes? Go figure.

4) I went with my girlfriends to see a double-feature this past weekend (i.e., two, one-act plays) at the Black Sheep Theatre. The theater only seats 30 people (talk about intimate) so the action takes place right in your lap. Both plays were mystery thrillers which made for a strange intensity in a space that little. Pretty cool.

5) Son #2's class won honorable mention this year for the book they submitted to the Scholastic Kids Are Authors contest. Although his teacher won the Grand Prize last year and he was hoping for a repeat performance, I would say he's pretty proud of himself/his class regardless. It's very impressive and they put a lot of hard work into it. While most of the student-written comments on the board in their classroom say, "I learned that with teamwork, great things are possible," his quote says something pithy like, "I learned that it takes more than a month to write a really good book." True.

That's it.

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