Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Ugly Betty

My brother Kevin and I were speaking in Spanish with each other for about one minute this afternoon until our entire repertoire was depleted.

K: Hola!

Me: Hola! Como estas?

K: Asi asi, y tu?

Me: Muy bien, gracias.

K: Estas una cabrona.

Me: Que?

He primarily remembers the expletives from high school. I remember the following.

My brother Mark agreed to paint my unfinished bedside table/bookshelf for me. He chose a crisp shade of white. What a kind and caring gesture! It wasn't until I moved it to go to college that I noticed he hadn't painted the entire backside; instead, he painted one word (all caps): FEO.

Brotherly love at its finest. And, if you know his personality, you'll know that it was really funny to discover the hidden gem years later. Can't be all sweetness all the time with your little sister, huh?


P Domino D said...

actually should have been fea, not feo. he perhaps was calling himself ugly??

Pranayama mama said...

either that or i'm sooooooo feo that i look like a guy.