No time to blog . . . well, maybe a minute.
At this point in time, after working the past 25 days straight with nary a weekend to myself, I am 99.9% certain that a) there's a jertain in the curtain and b) I have to work this weekend. Methinks me head may explode. However, the kids both have sleepovers tonight which means I may have a date with the hubby. Yikes! Will I be whisked off to Paris for the night? (Fingers crossed.)
Most notably: school's out for summer. Sing along with me.
Son #1 had his "moving up" ceremony this week. Instead of to a deluxe apartment in the sky, he has now officially entered middle school. I never understood the value of a graduation-like ceremony at such a young age but, 1.5 non-billable hours later, I'm glad I went. It was kind of sweet to see all of those cute kids on stage getting their fauxplomas. The eternal slideshow? Fun for the kids; a bit unbearable for the parents--especially those who needed to get back to work. (I think you may know who I mean.) Sentimental pop tunes. Picture after picture of children in everyday settings (e.g., on the playground, playing soccer/lacrosse/whatever) and not-so-everyday settings (e.g., on their family yacht, in Venice/Australia/wherever). It felt touching and inspiring yet somehow elitist and privileged. Damn kids have been more places than I . . .
Both kids got their annual summer haircuts (aka heads shaved). Now they can be nice and cool for summer sports even if they look like they are suffering from radiation poisoning. Son #2 coined the experience, "Long story short."
Son #1 received his class award for "best reader" and "most laid back."
Son #2 was nominated by his teacher for "safety patrol" and received the principal's award for "citizenship." In response to our stating, "wow, you're like a role model," he deadpanned, "yeah, right?!"
Lastly, Son #2 just became a karate green belt.
if Paris is within a few miles of the house, then we can go. I'm not good with geography.