I don't know what it is. My Catholic school edumacation? My mom's propensity to copy edit menus in restaurants? Facebook typos kill me. The occasional error, I get. We live in a fast-paced world and nobody is perfect. Yet I have "friends," and I use the term loosely, who cannot post on FB without an error.
One such friend posts god-awful things about his wife, pictures of hot chicks in bikinis, shout-outs to his business (seriously) and rants about Obama -- all of which contain misspellings. The other day, he wrote a long post that had no errors. My immediate reaction was to clap and say to myself, "You did it!"
His most recent post has a picture of a woman in a thin bra, short-shorts and high heels and reads, "If you voted during the last presidential election to prove that you are not a racist, vote this presidential election to prove your not a moron (I was gonna post a political photo, but lets face it, we (all my male and lesbian friends) would much rather look at an attractive female......."
Exactly: prove that your (sic) not a moron
Anyhoo, if you're a freak like I am, you may really enjoy this little link. A virtual gift from the gods. Shorter and sweeter (and marginally less off-color) than its kissing cousin.
In response, I created this masterpiece with (once again) my mad PowerPoint clip art skillz.
I LOVE this.. whenever i see the keep calm carry on .. i actually think keep clam carry on!!!