Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Stinky the Cat

Our much loved cat, age 16, is on her death bed. Illness: cancer. Prognosis: dire.

I'm going to miss her beyond measure and I don't want to let go. 

Without Stinky, I may finally get a full night of sleep. No more midnight-to-three-AM face licks. I will no longer have to cover my head with my comforter for peace. She won't be around to scratch the comforter until I give in and let her smother me with affection.

Without Stinky, I may be able to read a book without her climbing onto my chest -- not my lap -- and snuggling against my neck thereby making my arm movements (and page turning) virtually impossible.

But I don't want to sleep or read. I just want her to live forever. Without illness or pain.

Son #1 cannot stop sobbing. Actually, none of us can. He was asking me tons of questions last night between tears including "How can I possibly go on without her?" (not sure) and "Can't she just make it until I turn 10?" (four weeks? unlikely).

He's also calculating how many years until he sees her again in heaven.

I'm discovering that facing the death of a beloved pet is, as always, very difficult but managing it with a grief-stricken kid is absolutely heart wrenching. God help us.  And God bless little Stinkpot. May she go quickly and painlessly.


  1. My family and I recently put our beloved Siamese cat, Puter, down due to cancer. It my first pet loss and we are still all pretty torn up about it. My son, who will also be 10 in a few weeks did not understand why cats can't out live their owners.

    We had a funeral and made a headstone and it was all very heartfelt.

    I'm sorry. No one knows what it's like to lose a pet, unless they've lived it. They are little members of our families. My heart goes out to you and yours.

  2. Oh, I just read your post on Puter. It's so sad. My heart goes out to you, as well.

  3. I let our poor Husky suffer for over a month before I finally had to make the decision to put him down. I cried and cried. My kids sobbed. Had to take two days off work, I was so grief stricken. Bless your sweet heart and the kids too. It is so painful. Peace be with you.
