I'm wondering what's the best way to respond when one's oldest son says, "I heard an inappropriate joke from Tommy today; you don't want to hear it."
My first inclination is to agree. Please don't share it at the dinner table. Instead, I went with my second, stronger (more quizzical) tendency. Specifically, what on earth is deemed "inappropriate" to a nine year old boy? In other words, what the heck are these kids up to?
No puhleaze, tell us . . .
Son #1: "Do you like fish sticks?"
Son #2: "Yes."
Son #1: "Do you put them in your mouth?"
Son #2: "Yes."
Son #1: "So you're gay for fish?"
Me: "Do you even know what's supposedly so funny about that joke?"
Son #1: "Yea, it sounds like he's putting the fish's balls in his mouth."
Close enough for (dis)comfort. Well, now I know.
Son #1: "Want to hear a better joke that's not inappropriate?"
Me: "Sure."
Son #1: "What do you do with an elephant with three balls?"
Dad: "Walk him and pitch to the rhino."
Redeemed. Somewhat.
I am cracking up! There was a South Park Episode centered around the fish joke.
ReplyDelete"episode", don't want the grammar/capitalization police after me!!!