Thursday, February 25, 2010

Stop Disencouraging Me

Last year, Son #2's teacher and her third grade class were the nationwide Scholastic Book Grand Prize winners in the non-fiction category for a book they wrote and illustrated, Rejoice! Poetry Celebrating Life in the Amazon Rainforest.

As such, Son #2 is convinced his class will win it again this year.

Son #2: When we win, will you buy the book for me?

Me: Absolutely, but keep in mind, Mrs. Kwit's class won last year. Winning two years in a row may be unheard of.

Son #2: Mama, you're being very disencouraging.

I love it when he coins a new word! More importantly, I love it when he teaches me a lesson. I need to be less disencouraging and possibly more reencouraging.

Always look on the bright side of life.


  1. Excellent...I approve of all new words that make a little sense...

  2. You have teachers that can write?
