Monday, December 14, 2009

My Wish List

My mom asked me over the weekend what I wanted for Christmas. My answer: EVERYTHING. I personally think that I must be the easiest person to shop for 'cause I really do love everything I see. The more expensive, the better. Just kidding. It makes no never mind.

Military coat? Check. Hugs? Check. Zebra rug? Check. A clean house? Check. Cute prints from Etsy? Check. She & Him CD? Check. Jewelry of any type? Checkmate.

Speaking of which, isn't this custom necklace really sweet?

I would wear it while listening to this -- yet another soulmatesque song that my girlfriend Margaroo and I have in common. How can two people living in different hemispheres always, without fail, discover they are totally into the same bands? It's been happening for decades now, literally since the day we met. Crazy!

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