Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Coffee Anyone?

The attached, "must read" article from my brother Kevin is a great study in cultural anthropology.

In it, three things can be noted:
1) Owen Wilson is called the "Butterscotch Stallion"? Ew.
2) Coffee as a euphemism? Really?
3) Remind me not to move to West Hollywood any time soon . . .

Let's hope our country's shift to sea-to-sea conformity (vs. regional differences) maintains some boundaries; otherwise, I'm staying in the drive-thru at Dunkin' Donuts until at least the second date.


  1. Wait a minute - I make the coffee every morning here - is that why I am so tired?

  2. wow, i finally figure out how to open my posts to "anonymous" comments and get a load of crap from AimTrust.

    Uncle Wally, you would be better off making coffee in West Hollywood apparently.

  3. I'll fill the car with gas and head west then.

  4. Thank God, I've finally been shown how I too can "get rid of the nastiness of the life"!! What, do these people not even review the crap that comes out of the Chinese-to-Engrish translation website?

  5. yeah, mom's having apoplexy due to his grammatical errors.

    and lucky you're!
