Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Shake It Up

Refinery 29 has just published "Six Perfect Outfits To Shake Up Your Fall Dressing" which includes one of my favorite fashion items of all time: the tight, leather motorcycle jacket. I love women that can carry off that look -- especially those chicks who are simultaneously toting little kids. It feels a bit Chrissie Hynde/PTA President/soccer mom/anyone-other-than-myself.

But, I have to say, true to its headline, the rest of the looks may shake things up a bit but, uh, not necessarily in a good way. For example, after dropping over $1,400 on new clothes (i.e., how much the ensemble below costs), I sincerely hope I look better than this:

Heck, I think I look better than this already. Ah, kids these days.

1 comment:

  1. I am so digging these outfits! Given my hoarder tendencies, I've got a scattering of the pieces kicking around from whatever previous decade featured them last. Yippee!
