Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Detroit Schlock City

This is not your father's Oldsmobile.

But it sure does look like one, right?

Does Volkswagen think their target market (i.e., me) rounded the bend on middle age and now wants to merge onto the highway going 20 mph?

As the proud driver of both a Jetta and Passat (and recipient of the VW promotional email containing the above image), I'm just not ready to trade up to a Pink Champale colored sedan and drive for 50 miles with my left turn signal on. I don't care what cultural anthropologists may think: I'm also not ready to wear mid-calf, black, trouser socks with high-waisted shorts while mowing the lawn.

I understand the need to attract new audiences but toward what demographic exactly is this geared? That small percentage of the population that is disenfranchised with the perceived poor quality of the US automakers but still wants an ugly car? Someone seeking German engineering coupled with a retro 1990s Detroit design?

That someone clearly ain't me.

1 comment:

  1. You're just pissed that they didn't send you a come-on for the EOS - another chick vehicle from VW.
