Monday, March 2, 2009

Attack of the Clones

The boys and I are back from a week in Sanibel with my mom and our "surprise" guests: all my siblings and their spouses. And one little baby boy. Very relaxed and carefree. No major family dramas. Just perfect weather, sunshine, warmth, swimming, lounging, eating and drinking.

Happy (insert age here) Grannie Annie!

While there, I was kicking myself that I had run out of room on my camera's memory card. I was deleting old photos one by one just to make room for more but quickly tired of it and simply stopped taking pictures.

When I got home, I went to download the pictures I had taken only to find seven million (plus or minus a 2% margin of error) pictures of Son #1's Lego Clone Troopers stored on my camera. He must have spent an entire night with my camera making a lengthy, stop motion video. So much for my parental oversight.

Memories below of my trip vs. his trip:

Those Clone Troopers are doing a fine job of protecting the snorkeling mask but I think I'd rather have more pictures of my awesome family and the beach. Did I say "more"? I meant "some." Oh well. I'm sure we'll do it again when Grannie turns 100 . . .

He was a Clone Trooper, camera snapper, yeah
It took me so long to find out, and I found out
Clone Trooper, yeah


  1. LOVE IT!!! Legos ROCK!

    Jealous about the Sanibel trip...

  2. Nice version of "Day Tripper," BTW!

  3. thanks! i have music-related issues.
