Friday, February 20, 2009


According to research published last September by Uri Gneezy and Jason Shafrin from the University of California, San Diego, married individuals weigh more on average than non-married individuals. Why? Possibly because "exiting the dating market decreases one’s incentive to maintain their (sic) appearance and thus leads to an increase in body weight."

In other words, now that no man is ever going to look at me again (including my husband!), I may as well gorge myself on submarine sandwiches and Cheetos.

I bring this up only because I have to don a swimsuit in public tomorrow. And even though I'm not hitting the beach to impress others, I still have to see myself and, trust me, it ain't pretty.

The research also suggests that the hubby and I should threaten one another with divorce every so often given that "a higher probability that the relationship will terminate will compel individuals to maintain their appearance and body weight." Maybe we've become too complacent.

Yet, in all weighty matters such as these, I defer to Wilma.


  1. I just found the perfect recipe for sitting around with your happy pappy in your his and her matching snuggis!

  2. FRENCH FRY SPAM CASSEROLE!! What a hidden gem!
