My girlfriend Melinda snapped this photo for me a couple of years ago during an event for kids where they could climb on big trucks and heavy equipment.
This was printed on the side of a City of Rochester garbage truck. By "in progress," I think they meant spell check. I only wish I had a Sharpie with me that day (^n).
Proposed new City of Rochester tagline: We put the mental in enviromental. Oh gosh, is that politically incorrect? I'm aiming low once again. We put the "pain" in Campaign Eleven?
On an unrelated note, albeit to a lesser degree than the rapture, I'm definitely looking forward to "the renaissance" in two years. I like all things heralded by my trash hauler.
A couple of possibilities:
1) I used up all of Rochester's supply of hyphens and what they really wanted to put on the truck was Enviro-Mental but were unable to...
2)they were worried about the impact of consuming too much toxic ink and the 'N' was sacrificed on the altar of environmentalism
Long live the sacrificial "N"
Really, now...who needs an "n"?
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