Friday, August 3, 2007

I am Rula Lenska

I love strange lines from movies ("Nobody puts Baby in a corner") and bizarre commercials ("Mentos, the Freshmaker"). Hence the "Don't hate me because I'm beautiful" blog.

To this day, I still quote the little Southern girl saying, "It's Shake n' Bake and I helped" or my all-time favorite, "Ancient Chinese secret," with the wife outing her husband's Calgon tricks. "My husband, some hotshot, here's his ancient Chinese secret." The cheesier the better!

Over 20 years ago, an ad was running in London where there was a filmed image of a mop waxing a floor. At the end, a bottle of liquid Ajax was placed on the shining floor. You could only see the reflection of the bottle (XAJA) and the British voice over said, "Xaja, nomel ro etihw." (Translated: Ajax, lemon or white!) It was just brilliant and, to make it even funnier, I found out later that xaja means "silly" in Greek.

With that said, one of my favorites from the last few years was for BudLight with a classic one-liner: "Nothing quite like a beer straight from the tree." I hope YouTube links stay put for a while because I could watch it over and over again!

Which brings me to the best commercial ever . . . from The Simpson's: Canyonero. Just beautiful.

Happy Friday.

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