Monday, August 6, 2007

As Time Goes By

We spent the weekend at my brother-in-law's cottage on Seneca Lake. The kids and I went to the Sprayground (i.e., sprinkler park) and swam in the lake for hours. Until I was freezing.

On Saturday night, while Son #1 went out on the boat with my sister and her husband (which he drove "98% of the time"), Son #2 and I took a long walk and held hands the entire way. It was perfect. We looked at all of the cottages and he named all of the bunnies we saw (e.g., buns, carrot, scamper, hoppity). We ended in a clearing where music that sounded like Billie Holiday was floating out of an unseen house in the woods. For a moment, I felt like I was transported to another era. It was magical.

As we walked back, we passed a house with an in-ground pool. My little monkey told me that he wanted to buy it for me. "If they'll sell it to me for a dollar, can I swim anytime I want?"

Yes little man. If you can score a lake front cottage for $1, you can pretty much do whatever you want. Too bad you put all of your money in the bank . . .

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