Sunday, June 3, 2007

Kid Swap

Son #2, my five-year old, wants to be adopted by the next door neighbors so he can play with their son more often.

His brother is trying to talk him out of it. "If you move in with them,
you'll have to clean your room." "You'll have to brush your teeth more
often." "We'll have to go on vacations without you." And lastly, "Mama won't snuggle with you when you're going to sleep." None of these were deterrents.

Originally the neighbors suggested that they would take Son #2 if I adopted their dog, Ginger. Then we agreed that maybe we should just host our own reality TV show called "Kid Swap" which is less juicy than swapping husbands or wives but maybe teaches the kids that there's no replacement for their parents' love.

I told Son #2 that if he went to bed like a "big boy" for two weeks, I
would give him up for adoption. Not to fear, he went upstairs all by
himself the first night without even saying "goodnight." So much for my

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