Friday, May 25, 2007

Om Sweet Om

I was driving home from the supermarket one Sunday afternoon last spring and glanced in the rearview mirror. Son #1, then six, was sitting in his “pretzel legs” in his car seat, eyes closed, arms extended, palms upright and fingers encircled with the tips of his thumb and middle finger touching. He was quietly chanting, “Om” which was strange since we spent the morning at church.

I asked, “Scootch, what are you doing?” and he responded, “Meditating.” He then went on to tell me that the spirit of God entered his body in a dream.

“Mama, did you know that the spirit of God is in every one of your yoga poses? That’s what God told me.” He ended the thought with, “The spirit of God is really powerful.”


When we were in D.C. for Memorial Day a few weekends later, my girlfriend, Kim, who owns a yoga studio, asked him about his dream and how he “meditates.” He told her that he pictures things in his heart like the sun or a flower and he demonstrated, with his hands, a flower opening over his heart. “What kind of flower do you picture?” “People all over the world picture different flowers. I just chose a different one every time.”

He then ran away with his light saber to attack his little brother.

Makes you wonder, how does a kid know these things?

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